On Being an Admin
Being a GroupAdmin on XReach gives you access to the Management View.
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Being a GroupAdmin on XReach gives you access to the Management View.
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The XReach Team or your IT Department will tell you what the Mobile Server Name and the WebClient URL will be for the environment created for your organization. You will then need to request for a user account to be opened via the WebClient URL.
In order to get started, enter the new environment Login screen via a browser on your computer.
Click on the Request an account button to start the User Account request process.
Fill in your details. The preferred format is to add "Admin" or "Expert" or "RemoteUser" to the end of your last name, see below for an example.
Notify a GroupAdmin on your environment that a user request for an Admin has been created.
Once the GroupAdmin has approved your User Request, your account will require activation. An email will be sent to the email address specified for your user. (An example of this "Please activate your account" email can be found below)
Clicking on the button or the link will take you to the Set Password page (see screenshot below) where your password needs to consist of lower case, UPPER CASE, 1234567 and special characters such as ! or ( or ).
Please mark down the password and make sure it is easy to remember and easy to type, even with UK or US keyboards, where -, /, +, or ( and ) might not be in their expected positions. When inputting your password, please verify that you are using an appropriate keyboard layout to evade mistakes, or default to using ! in your passwords - ( ! is, or should be, always at the shift-1 position on any keyboard )
After successfully setting the password for your user account, you will see the page below
Click Back to login and log in with your credentials.
You will see the Ticket List View - on the left you will see a Cog signifying Management (See below for image)
Click on the Cog to open the Management dropdown menu. It looks like this - depending on your level of access:
Select your preferred Management choice - in the case of this manual, click on Requests to enter the User Requests view.
As an Admin, you're able to see any pending User Requests in this view.
NOTE: If a new User Request is sent while you are viewing this page, it will not automatically update. In that case, navigate to the Ticket List View from the Sidebar, and then back to Management -> User Requests.
If you delete a User Request, they will not get a notification, so delete away!
Click on the Delete button if you wish to delete the User Request, or click on the Create User button to start User Creation.
When clicking on a User Request, the First name, Last name and Email are already pre-filled. The following Textfields are mandatory and must have content:
Description, Phone, Country, Organization, Position, Groups and Permissions.
Once you have filled data into all of them, press the Create button, and the newly created User will get a validation email where they can click on the link to activate their account by setting their password.
As noted, you can add a User to multiple groups while creating.
Click on Groups from the Management Sidebar.
By default, the first Group is automatically selected and highlighted in green. You will see Users specific to that Group. By clicking on another Group, you will see a different list of Users, belonging to that Group.
Let's create a New Group. Click on the Create new group button. The Group Name, Organization and Description are all required fields.
After pressing the Save button, the Group can be selected from the List of Groups. Note again, you will only see the Groups you are a member of.
Click on the Add users button to start adding Users to the Group.
The above is an example of adding two users (Expert01, Expert02) to the selected Group. Click on the Add selected users to group button to add them. The List of Users in the Group will update (see below for a screenshot example)
For removing Users from Groups, tick a tickbox next to the user, and click on Remove users - you will get a notification stating "Users were removed from the group".
If you wish to change the Name, Description or Organization of the group, just click on the Edit icon next to a Group on the Group list.
The Name, Description and Organization fields are always required, so you can only save changes to a Group if they are filled. You can also assign an Expert to the Group.
You can also Delete a Group - but only if it does not have any Tickets. If tickets exist in the Group, you will have to go and Resolve and Delete the tickets, one by one.
Each Group needs to have at least one GroupAdmin. If you try to remove the last GroupAdmin from the Group, the removal will be blocked and you will be warned. Each User must be in at least one Group. If you attempt to remove a User from the only Group they are in, you will be warned.
Let's go and have a look at the User List.
An orange exclamation mark (!) indicates that the User has not yet been activated (they have not clicked on the confirmation link).
An orange (i) circle will appear next to a User that has been activated, but also been deactivated. The whole row will also be in grey instead of black. An example of this would be here:
Clicking on a User row will start the Editing of the User. Clicking on the Create user button will start the creation of a new User.
You can also search for Users from the topbar.
You can directly create a User by clicking on the Create user button
The required textfields are: First name, Last name, Email, Description, Phone, Country, Organization, Position, Groups, Permissions.
Each new User can be added to multiple Groups that you are a member of. As a GroupAdmin, you will not see any other Groups you are not a member of.
After adding a User to Groups, You can also Add or Remove User by go to the Groups view and add the User to all the other Groups you wish them to be a member of.
Clicking on a User row will start the Editing of the User. You can change the details of the User, such as First name, Last name, Email, Description, Phone, Country, Organization, Position and Permissions.
Groups can be added and removed from the Edit User Page.
Select a user from the row, and click on Delete user to delete a User. Or, select a user from the row, and click on Deactivate account to deactivate a User.
There can be situations where you have sent an Activation Link to a user that has not clicked on the link for 7 days. Their link will time out automatically in 7 days, so when they get in touch with you and state that the link no longer works, just Log in, go to Users, go to that specific User, and click on Resend activation link to resend them an activation email with an active link.
An Admin can reset password for the Activated Users except GroupAdmin/SystemAdmin
Select an active user from the row, and click on Reset password to reset password for them.
Any tickets and content created by a Deactivated User can be accessed, but the Deactivated User cannot log in, and cannot place calls or edit tickets.
A Deactivated User cannot be deleted. You must reactivate the account and then Delete it.
Any tickets created by a User that has been Deleted will list the creator as "Deleted", and tickets cannot be called.
An Admin can also Delete a resolved ticket. Each ticket has an Overflow menu at the top right corner of the ticket. If a Ticket has been marked as Resolved, the Delete ticket option will be enabled.
Clicking on Delete ticket will open up a dialog asking if you are absolutely sure. Now's your last chance to back off :)
To find out more about the differences between a RemoteUser, an Expert or a GroupAdmin, click here to view the Roles documentation.
Click below to read more about separate features: